BALLOONING.CZ- Sightseeing ballon flights

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Na Vrcholu 7
Praha 3

Phone: +420 222 783 995
Fax: +420 222 783 995
Mobile: +420 603 337 005
GPS: 49,73794553°N 14,64655701°E Minute GPS format


We drift along with a wind. This varies in strength and changes direction at different heights although we rarely exceed 500m. The basket is completely steady and provides a wonderful platform for taking photographs. The pilot adjusts the height of the balloon by changing the temperature of the air inside it. Regular blasts from the powerful propane burner heat this air. Burn more often and you go up, less frequently and you come down. Simple! After landing and a christening with champagne, our chase vehicle will take you back to the launch field.


  • Monday - Friday (except holidays): Kč 4.700,- pro Person
  • Weekends and Holidays: Kč 5.200 pro Person
  • Children 12 years & under - half price
  • Groups of 7 people - 10 % discount !

The price includes :

  • insurance of passengers and their personal belongings
  • transportation by our chase vehicle back from the landing to the launch site
  • flight certificate inscribed with the passenger`s name and signed by the pilot
  • brunch with champagne
  • tickets are valid for one year

Exclusive offer :

  • experience the sunrise as seen from the balloon whilst floating over one of the scenic lakes around the city of Třeboň or an aerial view of the popular, "Czech Paradise"
  • we guarantee you a two- hour flight experience of a lifetime!
  • on landing, we provide a  picnic on the grass with delicious food and champagne
  • preparations for take-off start 30 minutes before dawn
  • total price: Euro 1.200 for six passengers

We  operate throughout the year but are only able  to fly in favourable  weather. We require it to be dry, the visibility to be  least 5  km and  the wind to be less than 5 m/sec.
Usual Rendezvous  Point
In the field opposite the Peugot garage, 150m  on the left  after the Konopiště Castle exit of the Benesov motorway.  Parking is available at  the Danone store which is on the right  after the viaduct.

You are invited
Jiří Vokál, owner of Ballooning CZ as well as pilot of the hotair balloon with 30 years of experience with flying across almost the whole world, warmly invites you to comprehend the magic of balloon flying. If you are looking for an original present or unusual experience, balloon flying could be the solution for you.
What we offer is a small adventure but what you actually get is more.

Jak se k nám dostanete

Flying is takes place mainly in the vicinity of the picturesque Konopiště castle which is situated 40 km south of Prague. To get there from Prague, take highway D1 and then the E 55, south to Č. Budějovice. If the balloon is booked for a single group then a selection of other possible launch sites, which may be more convenient, are available. Please discuss this when booking.

Opening hours

1.1. - 31.12.

Attractions nearby

- Dolní Břežany

Historie pivovarnictví v Dolních Břežanech sahá až do 16. století. Později byl pivovar přestěhován a během třicetileté války zdevastován. Dnešní moderní pivovar vaří jak piva tradiční česká, tak i různé svrchně kvašené speciály. Pivovar má velké zázemí - najdete zde restauraci, pivní lázně i hotel.


Průhonice Park - Průhonice

Průhonice ParkBotanický ústav AV ČR

Průhonice Park is a National Cultural Monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


- Dolní Břežany

O malebné kapličce není mnoho zpráv – podle starých map však stávala na křižovatce, kde se dělily cesty k Modřanům (případně k Točné) a k Cholupicím. Ve druhé polovině 18. století tu byly dva kříže – dřevěný a kovový, roku 1841 již dřevěná kaple. Současná stavba tedy musí pocházet z druhé půle 19. století. V roce 2006 byla chátrající kaplička opravena a vsazen pískovcový reliéf sv. Anežky od akademického sochaře a řezbáře Jiřího Kobra. Původní zasvěcení stavby není známo, někteří místní si údajně pamatují vyobrazení sv. Václava.


Events in the neighborhood

18. May 2024 10:00 - 17:00
Markets – fair

- Nespeky, Dvůr OÚ Nespeky - Markets – fair

18. May 2024 10:00 - 14:00

- Benešov, - Celebration

19. May 2024 14:00 - 16:00

- Říčany, Geopark Říčany - Workshop


Information centres